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Donations for promotion of Education

The registered office of the company will be situated in the @ Hyderabad District and state of Telangana State* – South India 🇮🇳… The objects for which the company is established are:.. 1. To promote research.., education.., and impart education.., training for the development of socio economic and spiritual aspects in different fields/sectors.., especially in Urban and rural areas..,Under project ” Promotion Of Education… 2. To undertake Health Initiatives for Preventive, Health care , water and Hyiene Sanitation in different parts of the country with a view to make a Poverty alleviation and Social sector Programmers in scientific and systemic study of the various modes and practices in use in the slums areas in the field of Healthcare .. Health Camp’s.., and Help for us and many different Sustainable developmental projects and suggest…

Charity for Health initiatives for Preventive Healthcare,Water and Hygiene Sanitation

The registered office of the company will be situated in the @ Hyderabad District and state of Telangana State*  – South India 🇮🇳… The objects for which the company is established are:..  1. To promote research.., education.., and impart education.., training for the development of socio economic and spiritual aspects in different fields/sectors.., especially in Urban and rural areas… 2. To undertake Health Initiatives for Preventive, Health care , water and Hyiene Sanitation in different parts of the country with a view to make a Proverty alleviation and Social sector Programmes in scientific and systemic study of the various modes and practices in use in the slums areas in the field of Healthcare .. Health Camp’s..,  and Help for us and many different Sustainable developmental projects and sugges…

Charity for Eradicatine extreme hunger &Poverty and malnutrition

Program : Free Distribution Camp’s – ( FOODBANK ).., Place : GHMC SLUMS Children : 190+ Family Member’s : 70 + A healthy and nutritious breakfast rich in protein.., carbohydrates.., folate.., calcium.., iron. , B vitamins and fibre provides a lot to day’s total nutrient intake… BASE Vision Foundation distributed healthy Vegetable khichadi and Breads, Fruits.., and Lunch Cooked food Distribution Packets at GHMC slum children of Hyderabad Slum Areas of daily Wages Families staying in Slum Areas…

Raise Social and Noble Cause Projects with Base Vision foundation

The registered office of the company will be situated in the @ Hyderabad District and state of Telangana State* – South India 🇮🇳… The objects for which the company is established are:.. 1. To promote research.., education.., and impart education.., training for the development of socio economic and spiritual aspects in different fields/sectors.., especially in Urban and rural areas..,Under project ” Promotion Of Education… 2. To undertake Health Initiatives for Preventive, Health care , water and Hyiene Sanitation in different parts of the country with a view to make a Proverty alleviation and Social sector Programmes in scientific and systemic study of the various modes and practices in use in the slums areas in the field of Healthcare .. Health Camp’s.., and Help for us and many different Sustainable developmental projects and sugges…

Free Ambulance Projects Under Dr. TBN Clinics By BVF

Base Vision Foundation – (BVF)-( Regd.NPO/Section- 8 / NGO)- Hyderabad- – Telangana State – South India 🇮🇳 – has assembled & Sponsored a ” Ambulance ” under project ” Free Dr TBN Clinics ” ( Projects Kindness One Ambulance – ( @ INR Rs 7.50.000 or US Dollars 10.000 )… A in India to provide easy transportation in difficult geographical terrains and remote tribal areas of Orrissa state and other states needy sector to the nearest healthcare facility at the time of delivery/childbirth…and other health care services by BVF…

Health Awareness Camps

Ongoing Projects 2021 – 2022 of BASE Vision Foundation – BVF – Hyderabad – Telangana State – South India 🇮🇳.., Health Awareness Camps (Free Distribution of Nurtation and Hygiene products packets ) By Dr TBN Clinics @ Mission Ration Daan ( Livelihood Project ) Relief Camp’s ( Free Cooked food Distribution Packets) By, Legal awareness camps and workshops.., Seminars and others activities by BVF Charity with individuals and organizations and companies..,

Senior Citizen Care

India’s elders have played a pivotal role in building the nation, but many elders are still struggling to make ends meet.

Donate to HelpAge India’s initiative to provide a livelihood to the underprivileged elderly.

Let’s give them back their dignity & Independence.