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Annual Reports 2020 - 2021 Page

Annual Report 2020 – 2021 By @ BASE Vision Foundation – ( BVF ) – As you already know.., the world is going through some tough times because of COVID-19… For the safety of people and as a need of theI hour.., most of the countries are in a complete lockdown…

Likewise.., India has done the same… But unfortunately the much needed decision of lockdown has turned out to be a slow poison for the poor people.., while ensuring safety mostly among the privileged class…,

Since 2020 the very beginning.., we have been working to provide Medical and relief Camps to them and help them restart their livelihood…, We NPO/NGO have re-established livelihood for around ..,

@ 1500 families by providing and distributed dry ration kits from the collected We’ll Wishers …,

Even after the lockdown.., we have managed to provide dry ration packages for 12000 people in States ..

@ More than 20.000 cooked meals packets served to migrant workers… on Streets..,

119 festival kits distributed to slums areas of Telugu States…in South India 🇮🇳 poor Families and Victims Childrens…

Paid rent for 33 families… Managed 44 medical emergency cases succesfully by Dr TBN Clinics.., ( ).., We have covered two Telugu States of South India and other’s Slum areas….

We are currently seeking charity for the same. Our major focus is on Covid patient and Daily wage workers… We provide ration to families of around 50 members for 10-15days…

We are seeking charity for approx 250 families which have been already surveyed and verified for their needs by us… The whole project will cost us around 20 lacs…

Now the time is little different and many underprivileged people are unable to pay their hospital bills who are being treated from COVID and other health emergencies…, we are receiving more requests but unable to fulfill because of shortage of charity…

We request you to donate generously so we can continue our relief camps work…

We request you to consider this grave situation by 1 contributing to the charity so that no parent has to watch their kids sleep hungry… We hope that you help us in this call for collective efforts…

#Base Vision Foundation

Annual Reports 2021 - 2022

Aunnal Reports – and – Kindness Project 2021 – 2022″ by BASE Vision Foundation…

@ Mission Ration Daan Project and other projects by BVF …

Really require one such day to celebrate for Covid effected people Kindness ? I am Remembering..,Family Member’s and We’ll Wishers and Ngos Network Organizations members for working with me.., who has been continously supporting me for Social & Noble Cause from past years until today with food.., provisions and medicines..,involving Social activities and Many More Wants & Needs we want Reached through our Foundation –

Thanks for all supports till date. BVF- @ (Total project cost – @ 89 lakhs INR – we Reached INR 7,30,000 lakhs – free Distribution of food essential and etc.. )..,

help us support more such underprivileged families suffering with various ailments.,

Help us to help them :-


BASE Vision Foundation

Account Number : 50100391121511

Account Bank : HDFC

Account Branch : Manikonda


Hyderabad District – Telangana State – INDIA 🇮🇳


Paytm or Google pay – 9848022938


Fb link : Edward Samuel OFFICIAL

E-mail :

Whatsapp: +919848022938

@ BASE Vision Foundation – BVF – Hyderabad – Telangana State – South India 🇮🇳..,

#DrBadrinarayanaT – Chairperson ( )

#EdwardSamuel – Co-Founder/Managing Director – BVF

WhatsApp- +91 9381049744

Email I’d: –

Visit our website: 

*World health day *** 2023

Base Vision Foundation – ( BVF)…
Celebrating of 3 year’s ( 2020 – 2023 )…

On this 07th World Health Day.., let us remember that health is a fundamental human right and that we all have a role to play in ensuring that everyone has access to the healthcare services they need…

Let us also recognize the importance of promoting healthy lifestyles and preventing disease..,
not just treating it…

In the face of the ongoing pandemics.., let us reaffirm our commitment to protecting public health by following the guidance of public health experts and others getting vaccinated when possible…
must work together towards Society…

I Edward Samuel completed with
@ 25 Years of experience in Humanitarian Works for Noble and Social Cause Projects Done and Participated with Regd.Ngos Organizations and Others…

*Completed 3 Years of Registrated #NPO #NGO *BASE VISION FOUNDATION to address the health and Education and livelihood and Social & Noble Cause projects…
” Prosperity with Charity ” challenges of today and tomorrow …

Let us also acknowledge the hard work and dedication of healthcare and others workers around the world who continue to provide essential care despite the challenges they face…
Their tireless efforts and sacrifice have saved countless lives and we owe them our deepest gratitude…

On this World Health Day.., let us renew our commitment to building a healthier and more equitable world for all and Celebrations of 3 years of Base Vision Foundation – Hyderabad – Telangana State – South India 🇮🇳

Edward Samuel
Founder/MD …
BASE Vision Foundation…
& Board of Director’s with Philanthropists , Social Workers., Volunteers and others…